Lab Services

In-house lab allows faster diagnosis and treatment

Rivertown offers full in-house lab services, ensuring that your pet receives a quick diagnosis and prompt treatment.

Pre-anesthetic blood screening identifies abnormalities

Pre-anesthetic blood work is essential for identifying infection, dehydration, kidney or liver disease, anemia, bleeding disorders, electrolyte abnormalities and other conditions that may effect your pet’s ability to undergo anesthesia.

Medication blood level monitoring for safety

Medication monitoring is an important part of your pet’s therapy. Some medications (such as NSAIDs like Metacam and Rimadyl) can contribute to gastric ulcers. Other medications require a healthy liver and kidneys for safe use. Thyroid and anticonvulsant medications require monitoring to ensure your pet is receiving the proper dosage for therapeutic and safe results.


Rivertown’s full in-house lab allows faster diagnosis and treatment.

Learn more about blood testing and interpreting results

Common Questions About Blood Work
Hidden Health Problems in Your Pet – Dogs
Hidden Health Problems in Your Pet – Cats

My dog Dylan had gone from 65 lbs to 45 lbs in just a few weeks. We were losing him quickly. Ginger [Dr. Garlie] diagnosed a rare tick-borne parasite, only found in the Southern United States, and referred us to the [University of Minnesota]. The doctors there told us only one vet in a thousand in MN would have diagnosed this condition. Dylan recovered and lived a full life afterwards.

jakew, Stillwater, Certified Online Review