4th of July dog

How to Prepare Your Pets for the 4th of July

Independence Day is a fun and relaxing summer holiday for most people. Adults take extra time off work, kids watch parades and go to carnivals, friends host backyard barbeques, and the whole family enjoys watching fireworks together. Unfortunately, some pets become highly fearful and anxious due to the change in routine and the frequent, unexpected loud noise of fireworks.

 You can control some of your dog or cat’s anxiety by keeping them at home during festivities. Fireworks will likely go off all summer long in the Stillwater area and surrounding communities as summer festivals take place.  By taking a proactive approach and treating your pet with compassion, you should  get through fireworks season and enjoy the summer activities.

How to Calm a Pet Who is Afraid of Fireworks

It can be difficult to predict which pets will respond with fear to the noise of fireworks and which ones will take it in stride. Pets who normally exhibit shy or anxious tendencies are more likely to feel terrified around the 4th of July, but this isn’t always the case. Even dogs and cats who are normally fearless could surprise you by running for cover at the first sound of a fireworks explosion or a clap of thunder.
Seeking a place to hide during the loud noises is an obvious sign of fear. Shaking or whimpering are some others. Normally docile cats may hiss while dogs might growl and show their teeth. You can prevent the anxious behavior from escalating out of control by taking some or all of these steps at the first sign of distress:
  • Play calm instrumental music loud enough that it can muffle some of the sounds coming from the fireworks display
  • Purchase an Adaptil or Feliway diffuser for your cat that emits calming aromas when you plug it in
  • If you know that Stillwater, Minnesota or any of the surrounding communities will be hosting a fireworks display, purchase a Thundershirt for your dog and place it on him before the fireworks get underway
  • Provide your cat with access to several hiding places
  • Prepare a quiet, comfortable space for your dog in a separate room complete with her food and favorite toys
  • Talk to and play with your pet to take his or her mind off the loud noises
If you attend a holiday cookout or community fireworks display, leave your pet at home.  The break in  routine coupled with noise could also cause  enough anxiety for your prt to run away from large groups of unfamiliar people.

Contact Us for Additional Help

If you have tried these tips and still don’t know how your pet will make it through the 4th of July, don’t hesitate to contact Rivertown Animal Hospital for help. Our veterinarians may be able to prescribe an anti-anxiety medication or help you come up with alternative solutions.
Have a Happy and fear free 4th!
Have a fear free fourth