Rivertown Animal Hospital

Make Walking Your Pet A Commitment

Jack Russell Terrier dog in holiday clothing

Why Commit to Walking Your Dog and Playing with Your Cat?

Obesity is a nationwide problem for American pets. Over 55% of dogs are obese or overweight and more than 60% of cats are carrying around excess weight. What is the harm in a little extra weight? Excess fat shortens a pet’s life. And those pets don’t get the opportunity to enjoy their lives to the fullest.

Obese Pets Experience:


How Can Walking Make a Difference?

Increasing your dog’s activity level, by adding one or more 30-minute walks per day, can improve your dog’s cardiovascular health, by lowering blood pressure. Walks also improve muscle tone and strength while decreasing stress.

The same is true for cats, except most kitties aren’t keen on walks. Your feline family members do benefit from 15 or more minutes of active play each day.

Obesity is a preventable disease. Keeping your dog or cat active will make a major difference in their heart health and mental wellness.


There are a number of ways to commit to walking your  dog:


1.Explore with Your Best Friend

Check out some of the great places in and around Stillwater to explore with your dog. Whether you’re going to Stillwater Dog Park, or venturing to Bald Eagle Off-Leash Park or Battle Creek Dog Park, get out and enjoy the fresh air and adventure with your dog. You will get some fresh air and the opportunity to enjoy nature while bonding with your best friend.


2. Make Walks a Family Activity

Walking in your neighborhood with the kids, your spouse, and your dog is a great way to bond and get out of the house. It’s also a wonderful way to give the kids a break from their smart phones.


3. Use Walks as a Workday Break

If you’re still working from home or you find yourself unable to clock out after you get home, let your dog be your escape for a breather and some time to unwind. You will both benefit from the break.


4. Set Walking Goals

Slowly increase how long and far you and your dog walk throughout the year. This will allow you to enjoy different scenes and landscapes while your dog enjoys new scents and sounds.


Walk your way into Rivertown Animal Hospital for your pet’s check-up. Make an appointment, and we can assess your pet’s health to ensure your dog is healthy enough to dive into hiking.


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