Rivertown Animal Hospital

Mini Vet School Date Set For April 12

the small doctorDoes your child love pets?  Has he or she been with you to the veterinarian with your dog or cat? Was your child curious about what was going on behind the scenes?  Rivertown Animal Hospital in Stillwater, MN is once again looking forward to our next class of young aspiring veterinarians. Our Mini Vet School program is an interactive three hour learning experience for children between the ages of 7 and 12. The kids are supplied with lab coats, stethoscopes, (they work!), and manuals they can take home for further reading and study from their day at Mini Vet School. The kids visit interactive stations set up throughout the hospital. Rivertown Hospital doctors, technicians and staff are the teachers.  They learn about giving physical exams, good dental care, surgery, x-rays, lab procedures and parasites, pet first aid and animal bite prevention. They brush teeth, listen to hearts, look in microscopes, learn about reading x-rays, put on bandages and more.

The Animal Bite Prevention is a program we have adapted from the Minnesota Veterinary Medical Foundation as a way to help kids be safer around dogs and cats.  Animal bites are a leading cause of emergency room visits.

Our next Mini Vet School will be on Saturday, April 12 from 2-5 pm.  Preregistration is required. Space fills quickly so give us a call if you are interested in this exciting program for your child. Mini Vet School will be held again in the fall.  Follow our website or our Facebook page for future dates. You can view photos of previous classes on Facebook. Click here for more information and to view our flyer.

Dr. Ginger Garlie Gigi and Holly

Dr. Ginger Garlie