Rivertown Animal Hospital

Does My Dog or Cat Need Teeth Cleaning?

npdhm_logoTo emphasize the importance of oral health, February has been designated by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) as Pet Dental Health Month.  At Rivertown Animal Hospital, we recognize the importance of oral health to your pet’s overall well-being and quality of life.  To promote this important message we are offering $50 savings on professional dental cleaning and evaluation during the month of February. 

Periodontal disease is the most common clinical condition in dogs and cats. It is preventable when you bring your pet to the veterinarian for regular oral health examinations.  Periodontal disease is an infection lying below the gum line that can lead to the loss of teeth, soft tissue and bone infections, bad breath, pain,and even jaw fractures.  It can be prevented by having your pet examined and treated with professional dental cleaning on a regular basis. Often, by the time we see pets for dental cleaning it is too late to prevent the loss of teeth. Dental disease is painful and can lead to other infections in internal organs such as the heart and kidneys.

This past week I treated several dogs and cats for infections of the mouth. These patients had draining abscesses, oral ulcerations, and horrible breath. They were in severe pain from periodontal infections. Their treatment involved cleaning and assessment under general anesthesia, oral radiographs, local anesthetic blocks, surgical extraction of numerous teeth and removal of buried fractured root tips. These patients returned for their 10-day post-dental check-ups pain-free for the first time in years. Their pet owners had no idea their pets were in so much pain. Each wished they had done more to prevent their pet’s suffering.

If your pet has bad breath, brown teeth or inflamed gums and you are concerned about dental disease, visit a veterinarian trained in veterinary dentistry. Dental radiography (x-ray) are essential to treat and diagnose dental disease.  If your veterinarian does not have this training or equipment, take the time to find a veterinarian who does; or ask for a referral to a board-certified veterinary dentist.

For more information on oral health and pet dentistry visit the AVMA Pet Dental Health Month website.  There are several podcasts and videos explaining the importance of pet oral health, signs of dental and periodontal disease and a step-by-step procedure to get your pet to accept daily teeth brushing.

To take advantage of this $50 savings, call to schedule an oral health evaluation for your pet.

Dr. Ginger Garlie Gigi and Holly